viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

About myself

            My name is Diego and I was born in Santiago in 1995. I have eighteen year old. I am a sociology student in the Universidad de Chile. I live with my two parents and my two sisters.
            The things that I most like to do is read, listen music, see movies, and, in general, different kind of arts. Some of my favorite writers are Kafka, Dostoievski, Roberto Arlt, Rainer Maria Rilke, César Vallejo, Baudelaire, Enrique Lihn, and others. In music I like blues, jazz, rock, folk and some of classical music; I feel passion for some musicians like Neil Young, The Beatles, Robert Johnson, Miles Davis, Bach or Stranvinski.  My favorite movies are Apocalypse Now of Francis Ford Coppola and A streetcar named Desire of Elia Kazan.

            I am, in general, interested for the different cultural expressions of the humanity, and I like learn all kind of knowledge, especially humanities.

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