viernes, 27 de junio de 2014

About the blog

           Write in a blog it’s something that have an individual and public aspect at the same time. It could be something about your own experiences but also that could be something with a public implication or a social matter of that.
            Usually the blogs have the benefit of be from an anonymous person, but in this case we all knew who was behind of what was written. That necessarily implicates the aspect of the public opinion of an individual person and that was interesting.  
            I don’t know if my writing skills have developed. Probably that it’s something that you don’t know at the moment, but I think that the exercise of being writing in English every week must been something beneficial in the abilities of write and read a text in that language.
            I think in general the idea of this exercise it’s well elaborated, I wouldn’t know what else it could be aggregated, because the principal aspects of the activity –write and read in English- are well included in a more ludic or varied form that the usual.
            Maybe I didn’t like too much or I didn’t seem so necessary the aspect of must post some comments in the blogs of the other classmates, because it was something a little forced or without so much interest. I think the objective of the exercise it’s included in the text of the blog, so I don’t know if it’s really necessary the part of the comment.     

            Probably the most interesting part of the activity is the varied matters of what we have written about. I think in the whole semester it was touched different kind of topics, so I don’t have a specific suggestion for the exercise.

viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

The three Rs

           The three Rs, or the RRR, it’s an initial of ‘‘Reduce, Recycle and Reuse’’ and it’s a well-known term in the ecologic vocabulary and in the green culture. I didn’t know about what this initial mean, but I think I have heard about this sometime before.
            The principal idea of the RRR express proposal of the ecological organization Green Peace about the habits of consume and a responsible use of the garbage. All of this indicates the general idea and the activity of take care of the environment and the reducing of the carbon footprint.
            Sincerely I didn’t know too much about this initiative and what this mean. I know about the care of the environment expressed in the habits of the recycled and reducing the damage in the ambient, but in general I’m an ignorant in the aspects of the ecological culture.  

            I think this a contemporary problem and a matter typical of these days that have an important impact in the environment and in our own lives. Nevertheless the problem of these initiatives and the ecological ideas it’s that a lot of times it’s more a discursive thing than an action thing. There are too many publicity about this matter that makes that the ecological proposal lost his value and transform it in a tool of the ‘‘green capitalism’’.            

viernes, 6 de junio de 2014

About learn

            The studies and the responsibilities of every day take a lot of time of what you really want to do. There are too many interesting things, but the work, the studies and the most realistic practical part of the life don’t let you do it how you would like to do.
            I’d love to learn, for example, play an instrument. I know a little of guitar, but just a few chords. I remember when I was more a child I used tried to learn how to play the violin. I don`t remember why I stopped practice, I think it was too difficult but I still like a lot the sound of that instrument.
            In addition of that there’s a lot of thing I would like to know about different kind of matters. For example, I’m very interested in the world of art, about the appreciation and interpretation of a piece of art. That it’s in different kind of aspect of the art, especially in the literature, the music and the painting. I’m really bad in the practice of all of that, I’m awful drawing, playing an instrument or writing something literary; so I like to appreciate and enjoy those things.

            I feel frustrate when I think that I won’t hear all of the music that I would like to hear, or when I think that I won’t read all the books that I would like to read, but that it’s a part of the life, so I just must get used to that.